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Uplift and Upgrade: Calmness for Unprecedented Times


Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and

patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a

more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.

During these unprecedented times, we are all facing added stressors. While this initially might cause fear and uncertainty, there is also an amazing opportunity for growth and elevation here!

We are facing changes in how we spend our time and you may find yourself with extra time, or at least a change in your routine. Have you considered using this time to do to work on cultivating deep calm within yourself that is uplifting and helpful for you and those around you?

You have a tremendous power in being able to act from a calm and relaxed place, it may just be that you haven’t connected to it yet. That is what this 4 week program is all about. Implementing daily habits and self discovery to calm ourselves of fear and worry. We have the tools and through technology we can stay connected and learn how to shift our thinking to change our inner world in a real way.

Uplift & Upgrade: Calmness for Unprecedented Times

This is a 4 week interactive program designed to implement and bring forth the most calm, confident and uplifted version of yourself. 

  • Week 1 - Set foundations to live from vibration of gratitude and appreciation

  • Week 2 - Connecting to the body  - boundary work - non-violent communication strategies

  • Week 3 - Utilizing breath - pranayama workshop with guest teacher and individualized breath techniques

  • Week 4 - Continued exploration of stored body sensations, emotions and memories. Further understanding with the help of compassionate inquiry

We will meet once weekly on Zoom to better understand ourselves, our emotional responses and how to live from a calm place. At each weekly meeting we will go through lesson material and set foundations to work on for the week. In addition to the weekly group sessions, I will meet once per week with each participant for a one-on-one 30 minute session of compassionate inquiry (CI).

What is compassionate inquiry? Dr. Gabor Mate explains in the video below:

Weekly group meetings will focus on study material, group discussions and check-ins. During this changing time in the world there is a lot of external chaos but by shifting to an inner place within yourself, you remain uplifted, inspired and trusting of the future regardless of external conditions. You can be a light for those around you, your friends, your family, your community. The world needs to be uplifted, from one deep journey of self exploration to the next.

If you are interested and would like to learn more please sign up below so I can follow up with an email and more details.

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