Naturopathic Services
Initial Assessments
An initial appointment is necessary for every first time patient. Appointments provide us with the opportunity to thoroughly discuss your health concerns and to gain a complete picture of your health history, including a complete focused physical exam as indicated. For Youth or Pediatric initial appointments 60 mins is required and for Adult initial visits 75 mins is required. A treatment plan will be created to provide an outline addressing your specific health needs and goals.
Adult ($225) - 75 min
Youth and Pediatric (0-16 yrs) ($195) - 60 min
Follow-Up Visits
Depending on the treatment approach you prefer and considering the complexity of your health concerns, we have 30, 45 or 60 minute visits to follow up on any changes made from the initial visit and to take the time for thorough treatment in office. Follow-up visits may include manual therapy (such as soft tissue, craniosacral, or physical medicine), botanical medicine, nutritional medicine, acupuncture and cupping, counselling techniques such as compassionate inquiry or IBP techniques or lab testing.
Adult - 60 minute follow up treatment ($165) -45 minute follow up treatment ($135) - 30 minute follow up consult ($105)
Youth and Pediatric - 30 minute follow up treatment ($85)
Each of our Naturopathic Doctors offers different treatments, please book with the appropriate Dr for the treatment you are interested in.
IM Vitamin Injections, IV Nutrient Therapy
When you are suffering from chronic illness, digestive concerns or stress, your body may not always able to produce the energy required to heal itself. Taking oral supplements sometimes isn’t being absorbed well or in certain conditions higher doses than can be provided orally are required. Intramuscular injections can provide support for energy, immune system, migraines, weight loss, skin health and relaxation. Intravenous therapies can provide high doses of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients to optimize health and wellbeing without the need for digestive involvement. We also do IV Iron.
Initial appointment and recent blood work required.
Price (varies for each treatment, $25-$250 per treatment)
Injection therapies
Perineural therapy
Perineural Therapy is a treatment method that involves injecting a dilute solution of dextrose (a type of sugar) around nerves to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. This therapy is particularly useful for treating chronic pain conditions, neuropathic pain, and pain related to nerve inflammation. Perineural therapy is versatile and can be used for a variety of pain conditions, including:
• Chronic musculoskeletal pain: Such as shoulder, knee, and hip pain.
• Neuropathic pain: Including conditions like postherpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, and trigeminal neuralgia.
• Arthritic pain: Especially osteoarthritis, where the therapy can help address pain from joint-related nerve inflammation.
• Tendinopathies: Conditions like tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, and other tendon-related pain.
Treatment Protocol and Duration
• Number of Sessions: Most patients require a series of treatments, often bi-weekly sessions for 4-6 weeks, depending on the severity and type of pain.
• Lasting Relief: For some, pain relief becomes longer-lasting after several treatments as the nerves heal and inflammation decreases. Maintenance sessions may be recommended for chronic conditions.
Cost: $40 plus a 30 Minute Office visit for Return Patients
Prolotherapy (short for proliferative therapy) is a regenerative injection treatment designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, especially in ligaments, tendons, and joints. It involves injecting a solution, usually a mild irritant such as dextrose (a sugar solution), into injured or weakened areas to trigger inflammation and promote tissue repair. The way that prolotherapy promotes healing is by the following:
1. Stimulates Healing through Controlled Inflammation:
• The injected solution causes a mild, controlled inflammatory response in the targeted area, which attracts immune cells and growth factors to the site. This response mimics the body’s natural healing mechanism, encouraging the repair and strengthening of damaged tissue.
2. Strengthens Ligaments and Tendons:
3. Promotes Joint Health:
• In cases of degenerative joint conditions like osteoarthritis, Prolotherapy can potentially improve joint function by promoting tissue regeneration and reducing pain associated with joint instability.
Cost: $70 in addition to a 30 minute or 45 minute appointment (depending on each patient and the amount of areas we need to treat).
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a regenerative treatment that uses a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to promote healing and relieve pain in injured or damaged tissues. PRP is rich in growth factors and cytokines that stimulate tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and improve function, making it a popular choice for treating musculoskeletal pain and joint degeneration.
Conditions Treated with PRP Therapy
PRP is used for a range of musculoskeletal conditions, including:
• Osteoarthritis: Especially in the knee, hip, and shoulder, PRP can reduce inflammation and stimulate cartilage repair.
• Tendon Injuries: Commonly used for chronic tendon issues like tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, and patellar tendinitis.
• Ligament Injuries: PRP can help heal partial ligament tears and promote stability in areas like the knee and ankle.
• Muscle Injuries: PRP may speed recovery in acute muscle injuries, such as hamstring or quadriceps strains.
Cost: $200 in addition to a 1 hour visit. (more time is needed for a blood draw and to prepare the PRP)
Laboratory and Specialty Testing
When indicated, lab testing helps to provide us with additional information to your medical history and can help us understand more specifically underlying contribution to your symptoms. This may include blood, saliva, urine, breath or stool testing. We also have in office testing for environmental allergies, Special testing can provide more insight into hormonal issues, food sensitivities, digestive concerns, energy levels, stress levels, and much more.
Initial appointment required.
Chelation Therapy
Chelation therapy is the IV administration of chelatation agents to support detoxification of heavy metals from the body. Sometimes oral chelation is also indicated and may be provided via prescription. Our naturopathic doctors will only treat if there is justification and evidence through testing of need. Testing required.
Ozone and Oxidative Therapy
Ozone and oxidative therapies aim to increase oxygen capacity in the body. These therapies promote healing by destroying pathogens such as fungi, viruses and bacteria. Ozone gas is produced with a medical grade machine and is safely managed in office with neutralizing devices as necessary. Testing required for MAH. We offer ozone administration via:
Major Autohemotherapy (MAH), ear insufflation, sinus insufflation, ozonated water, subcutaneous injection.
Prices varies ($30-170) per treatment
Registered Massage Therapy
Available evenings and some weekends. Taking new patients!
60 min - $120 + GST = $126.00

Treatment Modalities
Diagnosis with a TCM perspective and treating with Chinese/Western medical herbs, acupuncture and cupping. Acupuncture and cupping are relaxation techniques that increase circulation, reduce stress and help the body return to balance.
Dietary recommendations to increase specific nutrient amounts, decrease irritating foods causing inflammation and sensitivities, and/or specific protocols to reduce symptoms associated with chronic illnesses.
CI is a psychotherapeutic approach that involves compassionate exploration into underlying belief systems and long standing emotions that impede the body from reacting in the moment to current situations.
IBP is holistic approach to treatment to increase awareness of the ways the body and the mind relate. This approach supports a person's somatic experience as a path to self-awareness. To gain insight into the self, according to IBP theory, one's experiences must be felt in the core, and this integration of mind, body, and spirit can facilitate healing.
Working with the cranial rhythm in the body, the technique involves balancing the nervous system through light touch. Patients often express feeling less tension and pain, and more clear-minded following treatments. Allows body to gently initiate realignment.
Uniquely blended herbal extracts and teas to support body in what it needs to best function. Use of traditional western herbal energetic system to understand and treat body symptoms as they arise, provide nourishment and support for the body to reduce symptoms and promote healing.
Involves gentle remedies that are carefully selected to correct physical, mental and emotional imbalances.
IM and IV therapy
Treatments providing the body with a boost of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and nutrients. Chelation of heavy metals.
The addition of supplements can speed up recovery and reduce symptoms and are only considered to compliment the other treatment modalities that work on deeper level towards the root cause of the condition.