Upcoming events.

What can a Naturopathic Doctor do for you? Online Webinar
Have you heard about Naturopathic Medicine but are wondering what a naturopathic doctor can actually do for you?
Join us for this informational webinar about what a naturopathic doctor can bring to your health care team, how they can help gain access to testing, prescriptions and exams when access can be difficult and other reasons to add a naturopathic doctor to your health care team.

Canadian Herb Conference - Virtual
Online Herbal Conference
Learn Herbal Medicine from a host of great teachers from all over Canada and the world.

Canadian Herb Conference
The Vancouver Island Herb Gathering is a place where we come together to celebrate plants and people.
Nestled in a beautiful herb farm, in the heart of the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island BC, herbal teachers, students and plant lovers from across North America get together every 2 years. This is part of the Canadian Herb Conference
Dr. Christina Weir, ND will be speaking on chronic viral infections and leading a herb walk the following day.

Spring Cleanse 2024
Start your spring 2024 with a group cleanse, guided by a naturopathic doctor and designed specifically for you. This program includes herbs, supplements and diet plan for you to follow during the 21 day program. Program concludes with a group session with sauna, cold hydotherapy and acupuncture.
The Spring Cleanse - A 14 day Program
Jump start your health this spring!
Join us for a 14 day cleanse, body mind and soul.
A Cleanse designed for YOU
Customized herbal tea, herbal tincture, detox supplements and diet plan.
Guided by Dr. Christina Weir, ND You will start your 14 day cleanse with herbs, supplements and a diet plan specified for you; and end the program with a full day immersive experience. We will meet first for 15 min appointments to go over your cleansing goals, some health history and medication review and design a 14 day cleanse specifically for your needs. As a group we will work through the program to offer support, accountability and learn some practical lessons to implement into daily routines.
Where: Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island British Columbia
Qualicum Beach Naturopathic Clinic for intakes
You + Me Studio for workshop
Shady Willows Farm for immersive retreat
Start: April 15, 2023 End: April 30, 2023
This is the Level 1 cleanse experience that we will be hosting this year. It is a gentle introduction to cleansing and will give you knowledge and information to take with you for years to come. We will start the cleanse with a workshop session learning about cleansing, making herbal medicines to use and supporting each other with accountability. Each participant will have a cleansing package geared specifically for their cleansing goals and needs that they will take with them for the week.
This experience includes:
15 min consult with Dr. Christina Weir to cover your goals and physical considerations
Pre-cleanse preparation information leading up to the start date (so you feel ready with shopping lists, diet plans and ease yourself into it)
2 hour interactive workshop to kick off the cleanse as a group - with time for questions and answers
All the gear to get you through the cleanse:
Herbal tea
Herbal tincture
All targeted specifically for YOU and included in your cost to attend!
2 Week group encouragement and support for those who want group accountability
End the cleanse with a full day immersion of activities in a private natural setting
Relaxing restorative acupuncture and sound immersion
Detoxifying sweat sauna and cold rinse
Revitalizing cold plunge and hydrotherapy
Introduction to herbs around you and what you can use for regular cleansing in your daily routine
Lecture material on future therapies you can use and incorporate into your routine going forward
This cleanse program is designed to give you a supportive and learned experience of what feeling fresh and vital can mean for you, and how doing regular cleansing activities can be carried forward for your sustained health.
"As a Naturopathic Doctor I respect that while cleansing is natural it is important to consider how, when and why we should pursue extra care in today's world. The goal of this program is that you leave empowered, energized and encouraged to take your health into your own hands, fully understanding your own needs when it comes to detoxification"
- Dr. Christina Weir, ND
The immersive program is 14 days long and investment is $350.
This includes a 15 min consult with Dr. Christina Weir, ($55 value)
14 days supplies of herbal tea, tincture, supplements and diet plan to get you through the cleanse ($150 value)
we will end with a full day of immersive and reinvigorating practices. ($75 value)
This is Level 1 cleanse, a Level 2 cleanse/fast will be hosted in July 2023
Limited Spaces available, Apply now: 50% deposit required upon acceptance, remainder payable at start date
To Apply enter your info in the box below
or phone 778-798-7262 and speak to Sarah
if you have specific questions or a complicated health history you would like to go through your eligibility please email. drweir@qualicumbeachnaturopathic.com

Reflexology with Michelle
Contact Michelle to Book
Reflexology relaxation treatment for your Valentine.
Only $60 for a 60 min treatment!
Michelle: 250-327-4397
email: michelle.nyholt@gmail.com
Uplift and Upgrade
Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and
patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a
more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.
How have you been feeling lately? Have you noticed changes in yourself and a desire to learn more about yourself?
We are facing changes in how we spend our time and you may find yourself with extra time, or at least a change in your routine. Have you considered using this time to do to work on cultivating deep calm within yourself that is uplifting and helpful for you and those around you?
You have a tremendous power in being able to act from a calm and relaxed place, it may just be that you haven’t connected to it yet. That is what this 4 week program is all about. Implementing daily habits and self discovery to calm ourselves of fear and worry. We have the tools and through technology we can stay connected and learn how to shift our thinking to change our inner world in a real way.
Uplift & Upgrade: Live from your best self
This is a 4 week interactive program designed to implement and bring forth the most calm, confident and uplifted version of yourself.
Week 1 - Set foundations to live from vibration of gratitude and appreciation
Week 2 - Connecting to the body - boundary work - non-violent communication strategies
Week 3 - Utilizing breath - pranayama workshop with guest teacher and individualized breath techniques
Week 4 - Continued exploration of stored body sensations, emotions and memories. Further understanding with the help of compassionate inquiry
We will meet once weekly on Zoom to go through lesson material and set foundations to work on for the week. Group meetings are an opportunity to connect to a community of likeminded people interested in growth. In addition to the weekly group sessions, I will meet once per week with each participant for a one-on-one 30 minute session to workshop how they are feeling, answer questions or have a session of compassionate inquiry.
If you are interested and would like to learn more please sign up below so I can follow up with an email and more details.
Happiness for Moms Free Webinar
Mommy didn’t need wine, Mommy needed real and significant help.
Of course we all like to relax but this quote really struck me this morning. I am hosting a webinar on cultivating happiness, providing support for each other and for ourselves.
Consider the physiological, dietary, hormonal and emotional contributors to stress and fatigue. What else can we reach for to support us, what are the fundamentals that we need to have in place.
Join myself, Dr. Christina Weir, ND for a Free Webinar on cultivating happiness, being calm and managing the pressures of parenthood we are facing today.
Fill out the form below to receive the invitation to Webinar
September 13, 2020 7 pm PST

Uplift and Upgrade: Calmness for Unprecedented Times
Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and
patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a
more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.
During these unprecedented times, we are all facing added stressors. While this initially might cause fear and uncertainty, there is also an amazing opportunity for growth and elevation here!
We are facing changes in how we spend our time and you may find yourself with extra time, or at least a change in your routine. Have you considered using this time to do to work on cultivating deep calm within yourself that is uplifting and helpful for you and those around you?
You have a tremendous power in being able to act from a calm and relaxed place, it may just be that you haven’t connected to it yet. That is what this 4 week program is all about. Implementing daily habits and self discovery to calm ourselves of fear and worry. We have the tools and through technology we can stay connected and learn how to shift our thinking to change our inner world in a real way.
Uplift & Upgrade: Calmness for Unprecedented Times
This is a 4 week interactive program designed to implement and bring forth the most calm, confident and uplifted version of yourself.
Week 1 - Set foundations to live from vibration of gratitude and appreciation
Week 2 - Connecting to the body - boundary work - non-violent communication strategies
Week 3 - Utilizing breath - pranayama workshop with guest teacher and individualized breath techniques
Week 4 - Continued exploration of stored body sensations, emotions and memories. Further understanding with the help of compassionate inquiry
We will meet once weekly on Zoom to better understand ourselves, our emotional responses and how to live from a calm place. At each weekly meeting we will go through lesson material and set foundations to work on for the week. In addition to the weekly group sessions, I will meet once per week with each participant for a one-on-one 30 minute session of compassionate inquiry (CI).
What is compassionate inquiry? Dr. Gabor Mate explains in the video below:
Weekly group meetings will focus on study material, group discussions and check-ins. During this changing time in the world there is a lot of external chaos but by shifting to an inner place within yourself, you remain uplifted, inspired and trusting of the future regardless of external conditions. You can be a light for those around you, your friends, your family, your community. The world needs to be uplifted, from one deep journey of self exploration to the next.
If you are interested and would like to learn more please sign up below so I can follow up with an email and more details.

The Naturopathic Approach to Allergies
Dr. Emma Lee, ND (www.dremmalee.com/events)
Dr. Christina Weir, ND
Do you or a loved one suffer from seasonal allergies?
Beautiful British Columbia can be brutal for allergy sufferers and many people who move here find themselves developing new allergic symptoms. The allergy season in BC typically starts in March and can stretch into August/September! Although allergens are largely unavoidable, especially if you enjoy the outdoors, there is no need to suffer through the headaches, foggy head, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, scratchy throat, etc.
Come join us for a free 1-hour webinar where we dive into how we approach allergies as naturopathic physicians, from testing to treatments. You’ll learn what to expect with the skin prick test and SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy). We will also go in depth on what lifestyle and dietary measures you can adopt right away to reduce allergic symptoms.
To reserve your spot for the webinar, please sign up below:

Understanding Hormones: making sense of your symptoms
Join Dr. Christina Weir, ND for a discussion in hormone function, abnormal signs, what they mean and how best to balance hormones.
Discussion will cover role of steroid hormones like Cortisol, Estrogen, Progesterone, Androgens and mineralocorticoids. How they are made in the body and what they do.
You’ll also learn:
Common hormonal imbalances and what health conditions are attributed
How hormonal imbalances occur
How to naturally approach your hormone picture and provide balance
We will cover common symptoms such as acne, weight gain, brain fog, PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, Menopause and more
Everyone who signs up will also receive a handout on Acne treatment after the Webinar.
Let’s get you understanding your body and feeling your best!
Sign up in the form below:

Herb Walk
A walk through nature, plant identification, herbal use and wildcrafting information.

Recipe for Calmness
Join Dr. Christina Weir, ND for a free webinar on how to be calm no matter what external circumstances come your way.
Many of us are having difficulty coping with the changes coming our way. I would like to share my successful steps and considerations to maintain calm no matter what.

Viruses and Your Immune System: A Natural Approach
Update - We have decided to proceed with the event as a Free Online Webinar -
Join herbalist Elisha Storey and naturopathic doctor Christina Weir for an informative discussion of immune function and viruses. We will provide general understanding of your immune system function, the lifecycle and transmission of viruses as well as some specific information on the novel coronavirus infection Covid-19.
You’ll learn:
Recipe ideas to boost immunity through food
Good lifestyle strategies to support immune health and reduce viral exposure
Specific herbal remedies to reduce likelihood of viral infection
Supplements to add to regime to support immune health
We will leave time for Q&A to answer any questions you may have regarding immune systems, viruses and the novel coronavirus. Also if you have any questions on naturopathic medicine and what a naturopathic doctor or herbalist can do for you, we will gladly share what we do.
Register below so as to get email invitation with the link to the free Webinar.